Laurel Garden Club Highlands
Our Club
Current Events
Guidelines For Meetings/Dues
Guidelines For Attendance
Guidelines For Hostesses
Proposal for Membership
Constitution, Standing Rules & By Laws
Application for Special Expenditures
Guideline For Grants
Grant Application
History of Past Grant Recipients
Land Stewards
Laurel Garden Club Grant Request
1. Name of Organization: ______________________________________________________
2. Contact information:
Contact Person__________________ email ___________ phone _______
Federal I.D. Number ____________________ 501c(3) Yes / No
3. Organization Mission Statement:
4. Describe the project for which funding is being requested:
5. Total project cost: ______________________________________________________
6. Amount being requested from LGC: ______________________________________________________
7. How will the Community benefit from this project?
8. Attach plant list, bids quotes and rendering: (see LGC Guidelines for Grants #2)
9. What is your estimated time line for this project? ____________________
10. List funds, grants and pledges currently available for this project.
11. How will the project be maintained after completion?
12. Please provide a copy of your organization's financial statement and budget.
13. What fundraisers if any, does your organization sponsor and where do the profits go? ____________________________________________________
14. How many people does your organization employ? _____________________
Signature: ____________________________ Date: ____________
for more information go to