Article 1: Name
The name of this organization shall be the Laurel Garden Club.
Article 2: Purpose
The purpose of the Club shall be to aid in the protection and conservation of our natural resources, encourage civic beauty and roadside beauti cation, stimulate the fine art of gardening and enable cooperation with other organizations furthering the interest of horticulture and conservation.
Article 3: Membership
Qualifications for membership shall be a mutual interest in the objectives of the organization, and a willingness to work together toward their accomplishment. Categories shall be Emeritae, Associate, Seasonal Active Members and Year- Round Active Members.
Article 4: Officers and Boards
The officers of the organization shall be President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, and Treasurer, hereafter referred to as the Executive Committee. e Executive Committee shall serve as a review board to consider prospects for membership.
Each officer shall be elected to serve a term of one year and shall be eligible to serve two consecutive years.
Article 5: Meetings
The Club shall meet monthly on the first or second Monday.
Article 6: Amendments
The Constitution may be amended at any regular meeting by a two-thirds vote of those present, provided notices of such amendments have been given at one regular meeting preceding the one at which the action is taken.
Article 7: Dissolution
In the event that the Laurel Garden Club should disband, the assets of the Club shall be turned over to the Highlands Biological Foundation for use with the Nature Center-Botanical Garden.
(as of January, 2015)
1. Membership Election Process: The President shall appoint a Membership Committee of 5 to 7 members, chaired by the 2nd Vice President for Membership, to oversee the membership process. In addition to the Committee, the current President and the immediate past 2nd Vice-President shall serve as ex-officio members of the Membership Committee.
a) Duties of Membership Committee: The Membership Committee is responsible for managing the membership process including but not limited to the following: creating a document of membership responsibilities to be available online, including an acknowledgment to be signed by the proposed member stating that she understands and accepts responsibilities of membership; ensuring that an order of precedence is established to consider new membership applications and current membership requests for change in status, with such request from a current member taking precedence over any new member application; screening proposed new members; reporting to the Executive Committee; managing any waiting list for membership; informing any newly elected member of her election and providing her with a copy of the yearbook and website information; designing and executing a new member orientation process. e Membership Committee shall also provide information to ensure that all members and proposed members have accurate understanding of responsibilities of membership and membership process.
b) Annual Election of Class of New Club Members: the annual election shall be carried out according to the following timeline:
July 15 – Due date for proposed member applications and letters of recommendation to be received by Membership Chair.
August meeting – Membership Committee presents proposed member applications to general membership; fteen (15) day comment period begins, during which time con dential comments may be submitted by any member to the Membership Committee. Prior to the September meeting, the Membership Committee reports the results of its deliberations to the Executive Committee.
September meeting – Membership Committee presents member applications to general membership for vote. Discussions regarding proposed members are strictly con dential and are not to be disclosed outside of the club.
October meeting – Members welcome newly-elected members. October – Membership Committee provides orientation program for
new members.
Wait List – If no membership slots are available, preventing an elected member from entering the Club, she is placed on a Wait List. At such time a slot becomes available, this elected member may enter as soon as possible. She does not have to wait until the next cycle of new members is admitted.
c) Election Process and Responsibilities: Each proposed member shall have a Sponsor and an Endorser. A Sponsor is required to have been a member for at least one year and is limited to sponsoring one proposed member each year. An Endorser is limited to endorsing no more than 2 proposed members each year. e Sponsor shall bring her potential proposed member to a meeting as her guest before proposing her for membership, and without introducing her as a proposed member. If the guest is interested in becoming a member, the Sponsor then begins the proposal process, which includes: reviewing the responsibilities of membership with her proposed member, submitting letters of recommendation from Sponsor and Endorser, completing the application, and submitting the application to the Membership Chair before the July 15 deadline. e Sponsor should use the Membership Proposal Form available in the member area of the website. e Membership Chair is responsible for notifying the newly elected member of her election and the Sponsor shall be responsible for mentoring her newly-elected member for one year.
All deliberations in connection with election of new members are strictly con dential. All information gathered regarding a proposed new member, endorsements of, or recommendations against electing a proposed member to membership shall be kept con dential and shall not be disclosed outside of the membership of Laurel Garden Club.
2. Leave of Absences: A member in any category of membership who wishes to retain her status in that category but who is faced with a personal situation such as her own severe illness or that of a family member may apply to the Executive Committee for a leave of absence from the club for a maximum of one year. If such leave is granted, the member shall pay her regular dues and may attend meetings during that year as circumstances permit.
Visitors at Meetings: e program and the hospitality chairs shall provide to the yearbook chairman a list of meetings to be designated in the yearbook as meetings at which visitors (guests and prospects) will be allowed to attend. is policy applies to all club functions, including social events. Please contact the Membership Chair prior to bringing guests. An individual guest may be invited to attend only one meeting a year. An approved prospect on the list may attend up to two meetings per year. e year is de ned as January 1 – December 31. Please follow the guidelines with the Membership Chair as de ned in the procedure for sponsoring new members (Standing Rule 1).
Resign in Good Standing: A member who needs to resign for personal reasons but has previously ful lled her responsibilities to the Club shall be considered to have resigned in good standing. If she desires to be reinstated, she shall be given special consideration by the Membership Committee.
Con icts of Interest: A Member who is employed by, or a member of the board, or an o cer in an organization applying for a grant shall abstain from voting on the grant application. e President at her discretion may ask such Member to leave the room during all or part of the discussion and voting on the grant application.
Electronic Communication: Much of the business of the Club is communicated by electronic mail (email). Members are responsible for notifying the President and the Recording Secretary if they cannot receive notices, minutes, and other information by email.
Voting on grant requests will be by paper ballot.
(as of December, 2017)
Article 1: Membership
Section I: The membership shall be limited to fty (50) members, of whom a minimum of thirty (30) of the total shall be Year-Round Active Members; a maximum of fifteen (15) shall be Seasonal Members. A maximum of ten (10) members may be Associate Members. e categories of Associate Members and Emeritae Members will not be included in the total membership count. Quali cations for membership shall be a sincere interest in home gardening or some phase of, horticulture, landscape gardening, ecology, landscape or oral design.
Section II: Membership shall be by invitation only. Each proposed member shall have a Sponsor and an Endorser. A Sponsor is required to have been a member for at least one year and is limited to sponsoring one proposed member each year. An Endorser is limited to endorsing no more than two proposed members each year. A Membership Committee shall be appointed by the President in consultation with the Membership Chair. e Membership Committee is charged with reviewing new member applications, managing the membership election process, presenting proposed new members to the membership for vote, and providing a new member orientation process, in accordance with Standing Rule 1. Election shall be by a two-thirds vote of the members present at a regular meeting.
Section III: Vacancies: e Membership Chair shall report vacancies and/ or changes in membership as needed to the membership.
Section IV: Duties and privileges of members according to the types of memberships are as follow:
Emeritae Members are members of longstanding who have served in leadership positions but can no longer fully participate. Emeritae membership is an honor bestowed by nomination from a member,
group of members, or the Executive Committee. Upon approval by the Executive Committee, the proposal will be presented for majority vote of the members present at a regular meeting of the membership. ose so honored are noti ed by the President. Emeritae members enjoy all Club privileges, but have no speci c attendance requirements and are not required to pay dues.
Associate Members. A club member in good standing who has served at least eight years in an active category (Year-Round or Seasonal), and who has extenuating circumstances, such as health issues of self or family, may apply to the Membership Chair for a change of membership status from Active to Associate. e request must be made in writing to the Membership Chair, who will assess eligibility, and discuss restrictions and responsibilities of Associate members, prior to forwarding this request to the Executive Committee for approval. A majority vote of the members of the Executive Committee is required. If approved, the request is forwarded to the membership for approval by a majority of the members of the club present at a regular meeting. If an Associate member’s circumstances change and she wishes to return to an active category, she may do so if a slot is available. An Associate may remain in this category if circumstances do not change or if she is unable to function in an active capacity.
Associate Members are required to attend at least two (2) meetings per calendar year and to participate in the functioning of the Club to the best of their circumstances. Any member who does not ful ll these requirements will be deemed to have resigned. Associate Members pay the same dues as Active members but do not vote or propose new members.
A written request to change from Active status to Associate must be presented to the membership for approval by the Executive Committee. is is a limited category used for special situations. e availability of this status is dependent on the membership needs in the other active categories.
Seasonal Active Members are required to attend a minimum of ve (5) meetings a year. (See Section V for Provisions for Exceptionsand Section VI for Change of Membership Status). Seasonal Active Members shall also participate in projects, pay dues, may propose new members and vote. Any such member who does not ful ll these requirements in any calendar year shall be deemed to have resigned from membership, unless such member is granted an exception or is accepted into another membership category.
Year-Round Active Members are required to attend at least eight (8) meetings a year (See Section V for Provisions for Exceptions and Section VI for Change of Membership Status). Year-Round Active Members shall also participate in projects, pay dues, may propose new members and vote. Any such member who does not ful ll these requirements in any calendar year shall be deemed to have resigned from membership, unless such member is granted an exception or is accepted into another membership category.
Section V: Advance notice of necessary absences shall be given to both the Membership Chair and the meeting hostess. At the end of the calendar year, the Executive Committee may grant an exception to the meeting attendance requirement provided: the Member applied to the Membership Committee for an exception due to illness, family emergency, weather-related emergency, or other extenuating circumstances, at or near the time of a missed meeting; the Membership Committee recommends to the Executive Committee that an exception be granted; and the Member continues to attend as many meetings as possible. e Executive Committee may credit other participation by the member in Club activities.
Serious Illness by the Member or that of a family member may be excused by a leave of absence for a period of up to one year, after which the Member may resume active status, petition for a change of membership status, or resign.
Section VI: Change of membership status: Members may submit a written request to the Membership Chair for changes in membership category.
Section VII: If there are eld trips designated as such (at least 30 minutes 26
away from Highlands), a member’s attendance can count as if she attended a regular meeting, but nonattendance will not be counted against a member.
Article 2: Duties of O cers
Section I: The President shall preside at all meetings of the Club and Executive Committee. She shall appoint all Committee Chairs with the approval of the Executive Committee and shall be ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee.
Section II: The First Vice President, who shall serve as the Program Chair, is responsible for planning the programs throughout the year. She shall preside in the absence of the President.
Section III: The Second Vice President, who shall serve as the Membership Chair, shall maintain all records of attendance at the Club meetings, and all documents related to nominations for new members.
Section IV: The Recording Secretary shall record and preserve all minutes of the meeting and pertinent documents. ese shall be the property of the Club, to be turned over each year to the newly elected Recording Secretary.
Section V: The Corresponding Secretary shall serve as head of the Correspondence Committee and attend to the Club’s correspondence and memorial needs.
Section VI: The Treasurer shall have the duty to care for all receipts and disbursements of money. She shall pay out money upon the order of either the President or the Vice President (in President’s absence) and inform the members in writing or by email on or before January 1 when they are in arrears according to the bylaws.
Article 3: Committees
Section I: The Executive Committee shall create standing and ad hoc committees as necessary to carry out the functioning and work of the
Club. The President, with the approval of the Executive Committee, shall appoint the Chair of each Standing Committee, with the exception of the Nominating Committee.
Section II: The Executive Committee shall have the power to act in an emergency situation between regular meetings. is committee shall recommend plans to the Club and outline duties of all committees.
Section III: e Nominating Committee shall be appointed by the Executive Committee at least two months before the Annual Meeting in September. is Committee shall select the o cers for the ensuing year to be voted upon by the membership at the Annual Meeting in September. Installation of o cers shall be at the September meeting. e new o cers shall take o ce January 1.
Article 4: Dues
Section I: Dues shall be payable by January 1. Any member who has not paid dues by the February meeting shall be dropped from membership and so noti ed by the Membership Chair. The year shall begin January 1st and end December 31st.
Article 5: Amendments
Section I: These bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting by two- thirds vote of the members present, provided notice has been given 30 days in advance by electronic mail or at one regular meeting preceding the one at which such action is taken. If a member does not have access to electronic mail, she shall notify the President and request notice by telephone. 30 days notice to a member may be waived by her consent under extenuating circumstances.
Article 1: Name
The name of this organization shall be the Laurel Garden Club.
Article 2: Purpose
The purpose of the Club shall be to aid in the protection and conservation of our natural resources, encourage civic beauty and roadside beauti cation, stimulate the fine art of gardening and enable cooperation with other organizations furthering the interest of horticulture and conservation.
Article 3: Membership
Qualifications for membership shall be a mutual interest in the objectives of the organization, and a willingness to work together toward their accomplishment. Categories shall be Emeritae, Associate, Seasonal Active Members and Year- Round Active Members.
Article 4: Officers and Boards
The officers of the organization shall be President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, and Treasurer, hereafter referred to as the Executive Committee. e Executive Committee shall serve as a review board to consider prospects for membership.
Each officer shall be elected to serve a term of one year and shall be eligible to serve two consecutive years.
Article 5: Meetings
The Club shall meet monthly on the first or second Monday.
Article 6: Amendments
The Constitution may be amended at any regular meeting by a two-thirds vote of those present, provided notices of such amendments have been given at one regular meeting preceding the one at which the action is taken.
Article 7: Dissolution
In the event that the Laurel Garden Club should disband, the assets of the Club shall be turned over to the Highlands Biological Foundation for use with the Nature Center-Botanical Garden.
(as of January, 2015)
1. Membership Election Process: The President shall appoint a Membership Committee of 5 to 7 members, chaired by the 2nd Vice President for Membership, to oversee the membership process. In addition to the Committee, the current President and the immediate past 2nd Vice-President shall serve as ex-officio members of the Membership Committee.
a) Duties of Membership Committee: The Membership Committee is responsible for managing the membership process including but not limited to the following: creating a document of membership responsibilities to be available online, including an acknowledgment to be signed by the proposed member stating that she understands and accepts responsibilities of membership; ensuring that an order of precedence is established to consider new membership applications and current membership requests for change in status, with such request from a current member taking precedence over any new member application; screening proposed new members; reporting to the Executive Committee; managing any waiting list for membership; informing any newly elected member of her election and providing her with a copy of the yearbook and website information; designing and executing a new member orientation process. e Membership Committee shall also provide information to ensure that all members and proposed members have accurate understanding of responsibilities of membership and membership process.
b) Annual Election of Class of New Club Members: the annual election shall be carried out according to the following timeline:
July 15 – Due date for proposed member applications and letters of recommendation to be received by Membership Chair.
August meeting – Membership Committee presents proposed member applications to general membership; fteen (15) day comment period begins, during which time con dential comments may be submitted by any member to the Membership Committee. Prior to the September meeting, the Membership Committee reports the results of its deliberations to the Executive Committee.
September meeting – Membership Committee presents member applications to general membership for vote. Discussions regarding proposed members are strictly con dential and are not to be disclosed outside of the club.
October meeting – Members welcome newly-elected members. October – Membership Committee provides orientation program for
new members.
Wait List – If no membership slots are available, preventing an elected member from entering the Club, she is placed on a Wait List. At such time a slot becomes available, this elected member may enter as soon as possible. She does not have to wait until the next cycle of new members is admitted.
c) Election Process and Responsibilities: Each proposed member shall have a Sponsor and an Endorser. A Sponsor is required to have been a member for at least one year and is limited to sponsoring one proposed member each year. An Endorser is limited to endorsing no more than 2 proposed members each year. e Sponsor shall bring her potential proposed member to a meeting as her guest before proposing her for membership, and without introducing her as a proposed member. If the guest is interested in becoming a member, the Sponsor then begins the proposal process, which includes: reviewing the responsibilities of membership with her proposed member, submitting letters of recommendation from Sponsor and Endorser, completing the application, and submitting the application to the Membership Chair before the July 15 deadline. e Sponsor should use the Membership Proposal Form available in the member area of the website. e Membership Chair is responsible for notifying the newly elected member of her election and the Sponsor shall be responsible for mentoring her newly-elected member for one year.
All deliberations in connection with election of new members are strictly con dential. All information gathered regarding a proposed new member, endorsements of, or recommendations against electing a proposed member to membership shall be kept con dential and shall not be disclosed outside of the membership of Laurel Garden Club.
2. Leave of Absences: A member in any category of membership who wishes to retain her status in that category but who is faced with a personal situation such as her own severe illness or that of a family member may apply to the Executive Committee for a leave of absence from the club for a maximum of one year. If such leave is granted, the member shall pay her regular dues and may attend meetings during that year as circumstances permit.
Visitors at Meetings: e program and the hospitality chairs shall provide to the yearbook chairman a list of meetings to be designated in the yearbook as meetings at which visitors (guests and prospects) will be allowed to attend. is policy applies to all club functions, including social events. Please contact the Membership Chair prior to bringing guests. An individual guest may be invited to attend only one meeting a year. An approved prospect on the list may attend up to two meetings per year. e year is de ned as January 1 – December 31. Please follow the guidelines with the Membership Chair as de ned in the procedure for sponsoring new members (Standing Rule 1).
Resign in Good Standing: A member who needs to resign for personal reasons but has previously ful lled her responsibilities to the Club shall be considered to have resigned in good standing. If she desires to be reinstated, she shall be given special consideration by the Membership Committee.
Con icts of Interest: A Member who is employed by, or a member of the board, or an o cer in an organization applying for a grant shall abstain from voting on the grant application. e President at her discretion may ask such Member to leave the room during all or part of the discussion and voting on the grant application.
Electronic Communication: Much of the business of the Club is communicated by electronic mail (email). Members are responsible for notifying the President and the Recording Secretary if they cannot receive notices, minutes, and other information by email.
Voting on grant requests will be by paper ballot.
(as of December, 2017)
Article 1: Membership
Section I: The membership shall be limited to fty (50) members, of whom a minimum of thirty (30) of the total shall be Year-Round Active Members; a maximum of fifteen (15) shall be Seasonal Members. A maximum of ten (10) members may be Associate Members. e categories of Associate Members and Emeritae Members will not be included in the total membership count. Quali cations for membership shall be a sincere interest in home gardening or some phase of, horticulture, landscape gardening, ecology, landscape or oral design.
Section II: Membership shall be by invitation only. Each proposed member shall have a Sponsor and an Endorser. A Sponsor is required to have been a member for at least one year and is limited to sponsoring one proposed member each year. An Endorser is limited to endorsing no more than two proposed members each year. A Membership Committee shall be appointed by the President in consultation with the Membership Chair. e Membership Committee is charged with reviewing new member applications, managing the membership election process, presenting proposed new members to the membership for vote, and providing a new member orientation process, in accordance with Standing Rule 1. Election shall be by a two-thirds vote of the members present at a regular meeting.
Section III: Vacancies: e Membership Chair shall report vacancies and/ or changes in membership as needed to the membership.
Section IV: Duties and privileges of members according to the types of memberships are as follow:
Emeritae Members are members of longstanding who have served in leadership positions but can no longer fully participate. Emeritae membership is an honor bestowed by nomination from a member,
group of members, or the Executive Committee. Upon approval by the Executive Committee, the proposal will be presented for majority vote of the members present at a regular meeting of the membership. ose so honored are noti ed by the President. Emeritae members enjoy all Club privileges, but have no speci c attendance requirements and are not required to pay dues.
Associate Members. A club member in good standing who has served at least eight years in an active category (Year-Round or Seasonal), and who has extenuating circumstances, such as health issues of self or family, may apply to the Membership Chair for a change of membership status from Active to Associate. e request must be made in writing to the Membership Chair, who will assess eligibility, and discuss restrictions and responsibilities of Associate members, prior to forwarding this request to the Executive Committee for approval. A majority vote of the members of the Executive Committee is required. If approved, the request is forwarded to the membership for approval by a majority of the members of the club present at a regular meeting. If an Associate member’s circumstances change and she wishes to return to an active category, she may do so if a slot is available. An Associate may remain in this category if circumstances do not change or if she is unable to function in an active capacity.
Associate Members are required to attend at least two (2) meetings per calendar year and to participate in the functioning of the Club to the best of their circumstances. Any member who does not ful ll these requirements will be deemed to have resigned. Associate Members pay the same dues as Active members but do not vote or propose new members.
A written request to change from Active status to Associate must be presented to the membership for approval by the Executive Committee. is is a limited category used for special situations. e availability of this status is dependent on the membership needs in the other active categories.
Seasonal Active Members are required to attend a minimum of ve (5) meetings a year. (See Section V for Provisions for Exceptionsand Section VI for Change of Membership Status). Seasonal Active Members shall also participate in projects, pay dues, may propose new members and vote. Any such member who does not ful ll these requirements in any calendar year shall be deemed to have resigned from membership, unless such member is granted an exception or is accepted into another membership category.
Year-Round Active Members are required to attend at least eight (8) meetings a year (See Section V for Provisions for Exceptions and Section VI for Change of Membership Status). Year-Round Active Members shall also participate in projects, pay dues, may propose new members and vote. Any such member who does not ful ll these requirements in any calendar year shall be deemed to have resigned from membership, unless such member is granted an exception or is accepted into another membership category.
Section V: Advance notice of necessary absences shall be given to both the Membership Chair and the meeting hostess. At the end of the calendar year, the Executive Committee may grant an exception to the meeting attendance requirement provided: the Member applied to the Membership Committee for an exception due to illness, family emergency, weather-related emergency, or other extenuating circumstances, at or near the time of a missed meeting; the Membership Committee recommends to the Executive Committee that an exception be granted; and the Member continues to attend as many meetings as possible. e Executive Committee may credit other participation by the member in Club activities.
Serious Illness by the Member or that of a family member may be excused by a leave of absence for a period of up to one year, after which the Member may resume active status, petition for a change of membership status, or resign.
Section VI: Change of membership status: Members may submit a written request to the Membership Chair for changes in membership category.
Section VII: If there are eld trips designated as such (at least 30 minutes 26
away from Highlands), a member’s attendance can count as if she attended a regular meeting, but nonattendance will not be counted against a member.
Article 2: Duties of O cers
Section I: The President shall preside at all meetings of the Club and Executive Committee. She shall appoint all Committee Chairs with the approval of the Executive Committee and shall be ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee.
Section II: The First Vice President, who shall serve as the Program Chair, is responsible for planning the programs throughout the year. She shall preside in the absence of the President.
Section III: The Second Vice President, who shall serve as the Membership Chair, shall maintain all records of attendance at the Club meetings, and all documents related to nominations for new members.
Section IV: The Recording Secretary shall record and preserve all minutes of the meeting and pertinent documents. ese shall be the property of the Club, to be turned over each year to the newly elected Recording Secretary.
Section V: The Corresponding Secretary shall serve as head of the Correspondence Committee and attend to the Club’s correspondence and memorial needs.
Section VI: The Treasurer shall have the duty to care for all receipts and disbursements of money. She shall pay out money upon the order of either the President or the Vice President (in President’s absence) and inform the members in writing or by email on or before January 1 when they are in arrears according to the bylaws.
Article 3: Committees
Section I: The Executive Committee shall create standing and ad hoc committees as necessary to carry out the functioning and work of the
Club. The President, with the approval of the Executive Committee, shall appoint the Chair of each Standing Committee, with the exception of the Nominating Committee.
Section II: The Executive Committee shall have the power to act in an emergency situation between regular meetings. is committee shall recommend plans to the Club and outline duties of all committees.
Section III: e Nominating Committee shall be appointed by the Executive Committee at least two months before the Annual Meeting in September. is Committee shall select the o cers for the ensuing year to be voted upon by the membership at the Annual Meeting in September. Installation of o cers shall be at the September meeting. e new o cers shall take o ce January 1.
Article 4: Dues
Section I: Dues shall be payable by January 1. Any member who has not paid dues by the February meeting shall be dropped from membership and so noti ed by the Membership Chair. The year shall begin January 1st and end December 31st.
Article 5: Amendments
Section I: These bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting by two- thirds vote of the members present, provided notice has been given 30 days in advance by electronic mail or at one regular meeting preceding the one at which such action is taken. If a member does not have access to electronic mail, she shall notify the President and request notice by telephone. 30 days notice to a member may be waived by her consent under extenuating circumstances.